List of McGill Normal School - Officers of Instruction - 1873 - 1874

    William Henry Hicks, Esq.- Principal, and Ordinary Professor of English Language and Literature

    James Mcgregor, M.A. - Ordinary professor of mathematics, and Instructor in Classics.

    Sampson Paul Robins, M.A. - Associate professor of Natural History

    Pierre J. Daret, M.A., B.C.L. - Associate professor of French

    Mr. James Duncan - Instructor in Drawing

    Mr. R.J. Fowler - Instructor in Music

    Mr. John Andrew - Instructor in Elocution.

    J. Baker Edwards, Ph.D. - Lecturer on Chemistry and natural Philosophy

    Francis W. Hicks, M.A. - Head Teacher of Boys' Model School

    Amy F. Murray - Head Teacher of Girls' Model School

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